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Tad Adelbertsmiter


Frost Burned

  • Thaddeus185
  • One of the Halfies187
  • Mein Sohn221

Physical Description

Frost Burned

  • Wasn't good looking, his ears were too big and they stuck out and his nose was flattened as if he'd gone three rounds with George Foreman187

Night Broken

  • Ears sticking out a little, his face just this side of homely-by his choice37


Tad Adelbertsmiter Injury Types/Scar
Mercy Thompson Series #11: Storm Cursed
Injury Type/Scar Notes
Blistering and Cracking Fingers193 Hardesty Witches

Appearances & Mentions



Iron Kissed

  • Tad was half-human. His human blood hadn't, as far as Mercy could see, lessened the affinity for metals he shared with his father. Mercy didn't know if he'd inherited his father's immortality: he was nineteen and looked it23

Frost Burned

  • Tad wasn't one of the half fae who were as powerless as most humans69
  • Control of the big guns (his power) isn’t what it should be195

Night Broken

  • He looked a little odd. The stick-out ears that had always given him an almost-comical appearance were now pointed, the bones of his face subtly rearranged to beauty as real and as human as Adam's. His eyes were not human at all: polished silver with a cat's-eye pupil of purple. He was a little taller than usual, a little buffer, a little more graceful, and a lot scarier169
  • Unaffected by foul smoke169
  • Found it easier to magically manipulate aluminum over steel171
  • Changes like Mercy- between one breath and the next. He was a little taller than usual and a lot handsomer. He looked clean-cut and real174
  • Tad was incredibly powerful174

Fire Touched

  • Can mold pipes into a weapon59



Family & Significant Other


Character Traits & Facts

Frost Burned

  • Doesn't have a car136

Smoke Bitten

  • Had a VW bus. Mechanically it was sound and the interior was completely redone, but he hadn't decided on a paint job yet so it was still primer gray54

Education, Work Experience & Languages


Moon Called

  • With Zee being outed by the Gray Lords and being moved to the reservation he'd gotten the scholarship that allowed him to head to the Ivy League college of his choice12
  • Studying at Harvard280

Silver Borne

  • Fae were considered a minority, so his official status as half-fae and his grades had gotten him in—hard work was keeping him there4

Smoke Bitten

  • Left for an Ivy League education but returned without his degree2

Work Experience

Moon Called

  • The never-ending paperwork for the garage had fallen to Tad12

Night Broken

  • Was fine writing the garage appointments on paper rather than using the appointment schedule that Gabriel had set up145


Frost Burned

  • Speaks Old German223

Spirituality & Personality

Moon Called

  • Nothing scares him, nothing bothers him, and he's frighteningly competent at whatever he chooses to do298

Iron Kissed

  • Has a certain disregard and distaste for authority169

Frost Burned

  • Wouldn't be able to sit around while someone was in danger70
  • Always careful with the truth; it is a powerful thing and deserves respect200
  • No longer acting like a hermit336

Night Broken

  • Someone had rubbed off the bright and shiny cheer that had been his gift to the world74

Talents & Skills

Frost Burned

  • His father had taught him to fight with swords176
  • Look-At-Me mode he used to distract people; look-at-me-not-at-what-I’m-hiding186
  • Can play solitaire; spider solitaire; no cheating for him208
  • Can discern lies but not with vampires269

Night Broken

  • At least as good of a mechanic as Mercy37

Health & Fitness

Frost Burned

  • Took two years of aikido187


Blood Bound

  • had a very rocky love life261

Frost Burned

  • Thinks haunted houses are nifty227

Night Broken

  • Likes his brownies with lots of frosting but no nuts37
  • Likes the blueberry muffins that Christy made73
  • Has never visited anyone in prison80
  • Doesn't usually lie, though since he is only half-fae, he can, and he is a fair hand at misdirection113
  • Swears in German173

Fire Touched

  • Acted a little like a clown to cover up just how competent he was123


Mercy and Tad

Moon Called

  • Mercy emails Tad every week298

Iron Kissed

  • Tad had hired Mercy when he was nine. He had to hire her three more times in the next month169
  • Thinks Mercy can be too innocent172

Frost Burned

  • Tad and Mercy emailed once a week since he left, and she called him once a month to keep up. Tad was the little brother Mercy had never had, and in some ways, they were closer than she was to her half sisters. Tad and Mercy had more in common: neither of them quite fitting in to either the world of the humans or the world of the supernatural68
  • Got Mercy a Big Word of the Day calendar for Christmas227
  • Used his magic to help burn Mercy's Rabbit to ash334

Night Broken

  • Medea, Mercy's cat, likes him24
  • If Mercy ever finds out who hurt Tad she might sic a werewolf pack on them74
  • Mercy wished that they'd had Tad come over and stay with them instead of going to Fairyland; but it didn't like Tad didn’t have much of a choice238
  • Without Tad’s help, Guayota would have defeated Mercy325

Smoke Bitten

  • Mercy had worked on cars with Tad for more than a decade, nearly half Tad's life2
  • One of the people Mercy most trusted in the world2

Jesse and Tad

Frost Burned

  • He'd flirted lightly with Jesse when he'd been home last70

Smoke Bitten

  • Tad could keep Jesse safe, and he was a good shoulder to cry on54

Tad and the Pack

Iron Kissed

  • Tad really respected Adam172

Frost Burned

  • Tad belonged to Mercy and thus to Adam193
  • Warren taught Tad to play gin rummy when he was a kid207
  • Impressed with Asil's swordmanship; a bit of hero worship coming off Tad213
  • Tad drew the silver out of the wolves who needed it—including Ben. Kelly got the worst of it, as Tad’s skill improved with practice244

Night Broken

  • Enjoyed exchanging juvenile remarks with Joel77

Fire Touched

  • The pack had Tad's back. Tad could keep Aiden safe, and the pack safe- and the pack would keep him safe126

Tad and the Fae

Iron Kissed

  • Had visited Connora often; she was kind to him23
  • Under the Gray Lords’ edict to stay away when Zee was arrested for murder169
  • Uncle Mike set a geas on him to not talk about the fae to Mercy171

Silver Borne

  • Was worried for Phin's safety5

Frost Burned

  • Something happened to him when he was at college; it may had something to do with why he wasn't on the reservation with the rest of the fae69
  • Because even though they don’t care a fig for the half-bloods, the pure-blooded fae send us lists of fae who did not answer the Gray Lords’ call. We, the rejected, are to watch out for these fae and turn in any purebloods we see189

Night Broken

  • It sounded like someone noticed him using magic, and he has to go talk to them223
  • Tad is unhappy and those who hold him are not listening. He is being held against his will292

Fire Touched

  • Tad hadn't been required (or asked) to retreat to the reservations, at least not until he had demonstrated that his magic was powerful and rare. Then they'd wanted him3
tad_adelbertsmiter.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/03 07:16 by linda