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Mary Jo


Physical Description

Moon Called

  • Small and tough-looking221


Appearances & Mentions





Family & Significant Other


Kennewick Fire Department

Character Traits & Facts

Education, Work Experience & Languages

Spirituality & Personality

Talents & Skills

Blood Bound

  • Knows one end of a wrench from another and helped out in Mercy's garage83

Health & Fitness



Name: Mary Jo

Appearances and Mentions:

Mercy Thompson 1: Moon Called Mercy Thompson 2: Blood Bound Mercy Thompson 3: Iron Kissed Mercy Thompson 4: Bone Crossed Mercy Thompson 5: Silver Borne Mercy Thompson 6: River Marked Mercy Thompson 7: Frost Burned Mercy Thompson 8: Night Broken

Gender: Female

Classification: Werewolf [Pack Affiliation] See Columbia Basin Pack

Classification Description: N/A [Changed] N/A

Significant Other: [Interest] was sweet on a very nice wolf named HenryBC-95

Residence: See Tri-Cities, Washington

Occupation: Firefighter

Employer: Kennewick Fire Department

Vehicle: JeepBC-90

Physical Description: five-foot-three-and-a-half of solid muscle and solider nerveBC-90 tough athletic bodySB-168

Character Traits & Facts:

From Bone Crossed: Mercy had once given Mary Jo's jeep a free tune-upBC-90 was killed by fellow pack member Alec at Uncle Mike's bar; throat was torn outBC-92 life was breathed back into her body See Baba Yaga her healing caused her to be dazed and shocky to an extent never before witnessed in a wolfBC-104 as liberated as a woman could getBC-180 she and Ben were like flame and dynamiteBC-180 the pack would know when Mary Jo had recovered from her ordeal when she stopped flirting with BenBC-180

From Silver Borne: the pack medicSB-171 she's one of the crowd that think Warren shouldn't be packSB-185 Warren wasn't important to herSB-214 she's been a firefighter since they allowed women on the teamsSB-186 to Mercy's knowledge had never been in the militarySB-213

From Frost Burned: moved out of her apartment and into Honey's house after Peter's funeralFB-337

mary_jo.1643367811.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/01/28 03:03 by theirine