====== Walker Concepts & Abilities ====== =====Chat Archives===== * that's what a walker does; walks between here and there, between human and animal Chat 2008-07-27 * I see walker as being a thing you are or you are not Chat 2008-01-06 * Mercy is not the only walker left; walkers, like coyotes, are very good at blending in Chat 2007-05-20 * I can tell you that not all walkers are coyotes and there are some that turn into other kinds of animals Chat 2007-06-24 * walkers, like werewolves, just are; they don't really require training Chat 2007-08-25 * Bran knows all about walkers; he chooses what he tells Chat 2007-05-20 * walkers can track vampires through ghost signatures; vampires mostly don't even see the ghosts and they can't do anything to drive them away Chat 2007-06-24 =====Mercy Thompson Series ===== ====Moon Called==== [[Mercy Thompson Series]] #1: [[Moon Called]] * a walker is no real match for a werewolf * a shift is quick and painless; pure magic * born this way, not made like some other supernaturals * do very well in the dark ====Blood Bound==== [[Mercy Thompson Series]] #2: [[Blood Bound]] * all Mercy knew about being a walker is what the werewolves could tell her, which wasn't much ====Iron Kissed==== [[Mercy Thompson Series]] #3: [[Iron Kissed]] * not many people still remember what a walker is * bringing a walker to a fae reservation might not have been as good an idea as you thought * a walker; there aren't many of the native preternatural species left—so you belong nowhere * walkers are rare; if there are other walkers around Mercy hasn't met one yet ====Bone Crossed==== [[Mercy Thompson Series]] #4: [[Bone Crossed]] * among the werewolves, the knowledge of the walker, the coyote shapeshifter, who'd been raised by Bran, was well known * suspected that controlling ghosts came with practice ====Silver Borne==== [[Mercy Thompson Series]] #5: [[Silver Borne]] * N/A ====River Marked==== [[Mercy Thompson Series]] #6: [[River Marked]] * Mercy can shift into a coyote whenever she wants to * "avatar" is more accurate than "walker" * Mercy only knew what she knew about walkers from what Bran told her; and he hadn't known much—or he'd told her exactly as much as he intended to * Mercy met two more walkers; hawks * not all walkers are alike * Mercy is immune to the mark of the [[River Devil]] because [[Coyote]] killed it the first time * aren't any more Thunderbird walkers; certain that he would never return with no one to anchor him ====Frost Burned==== [[Mercy Thompson Series]] #7: [[Frost Burned]] * a walker is the name given to those who are descendants of Coyote, Raven, Hawk, or any of the other archetypes who once walked the land * a witch is different from walker; more powerful * too many walkers had died before they could pass on their knowledge to their heirs, and much of it was lost ====Night Broken==== [[Mercy Thompson Series]] #8: [[Night Broken]] * [[Hank Owens]] was Mercy's information source for most of what she knew about being a walker32 * most of the coyote walkers have trouble with the law80 * [[Gary Laughingdog]] was the first ever coyote walker that Mercy met85 * all walkers are descended from the archetypal being whos shape they take85 * usually brother and sister walkers are con artists, thieves, and gamblers; not too concerned with saving anyone's hide except their own88 * had met a few other walkers through the Owens', and they seemed to come in all varieties of young and old89 * most walkers age like humans—most are mostly human; Coyote doesn't walk this ground much anymore89 * most of Coyote's children don't have to worry about a long life anyway; a fool and his life are soon parted89 * Mercy felt no regret if there was no choice in killing someone; maybe it was being a walker or maybe being a predator158 ====Fire Touched==== [[Mercy Thompson Series]] #9: [[Fire Touched]] * N/A ====Silence Fallen==== [[Mercy Thompson Series]] #10: [[Silence Fallen]] * death walker: one who has power over the dead339 * the dead obeyed Mercy, no matter how much she tried to ignore that350 ====Storm Cursed==== [[Mercy Thompson Series]] #11: [[Storm Cursed]] * walkers are sensitive to magic * Mercy didn't know if she could recognize another walker; she hadn't met enough of them to be sure208 * was able to recognize one later217 * ====Smoke Bitten==== =====Alpha & Omega Series ===== ====Wild Sign==== [[Alpha & Omega Series]] #6: [[Wild Sign]] * walkers reflect some of the aspects of their parentage350 ======Walkers & The Undead====== =====Walkers & Ghosts====== [[Blood Bound]] * speak to ghosts [[River Marked]] * thought all walkers could see the dead [[Night Broken]] * other walkers that Mercy had met hadn't been able to see ghosts the way she could; it made sense that Gary could because he was a coyote shifter ====Mercy & Ghosts==== [[Mercy & Ghosts]] =====Walkers & Vampires===== [[Blood Bound]] * not so vulnerable to their magic * only a threat for a couple of decades and that centuries ago * not popular among the vampires * when the vampires first came to this part of the New World, the walkers here had made themselves enough of a pest that the vampires had killed most of them off * most vampire magic doesn't work on them * has seen walkers ignore far more dangerous magics * supposed to be good at killing vampires * may have taught vampires to fear them, but there are still a lot of vampires, and only one walker * [[Andre]] was around when the walkers nearly drove the vampires out of the Western territories; shocked that Mercy found [[Cory Littleton]] so soon * the reason vampires feared walkers was that they were resistant to vampire magics and could talk to ghosts [[Iron Kissed]] * not many walkers because the vampires killed them all * maybe [[James Blackwood]] wanted something from a walker; he despaired of ever finding another walker * the last walker he had died fifty years ago; was kept for six-three years * Blackwood's talent allows him to feed from a supernatural and absorb their abilities; he wants a walker so he can control the ghost of his maker [[River Marked]] * aren't any more Thunderbird walkers; certain that he would never return with no one to anchor him [[Frost Burned]] * vampires do not like walkers * they see ghosts and ghosts congregate around the daytime resting places of vampires, betraying the presence of the monster who killed them * almost entirely resistant to the standard magic of vampires * when vampires came to the New World, they were met by walkers and nearly destroyed; if disease and war had not decimated the Indians—and thus the walkers—there would be no vampires in the Americas * being resistant to vampire magic didn't mean a walker was a match for one * [[Marsilia]] knew a lot about walkers; she'd seen them kill vampires, lots of vampires * walkers are immune to vampire magic—even vampire magic that has its orgins in witchcraft [[Night Broken]] * blood bound walker to a vampire; could be a tame walker270 [[Silence Fallen]] * the walkers, the children of the ancient ones, hunted down a lot of vampires in the American frontier during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; they ultimately failed, and the vampires exterminated most of the walkers22 =====Walkers & Zombies=====